Body positivity

Right now I'm thinking about when I was at camp and this instructor who was called Olze told me this before she said "good-bye''. Olze was telling me about how body positivity is not just an easy straight line. Its a bumpy unorganized pace of emotions. She said it was ok to feel good and confident in the body your in. 

    When I was taking pictures in this outfit post I didn't want to take pictures. If I am being really honest with you and myself it was because I thought in my own mind that I looked chubby and fat. These jeans that are beyond unflattering. I feel super negative and down.  It's not supposed to make me feel crappy every time I look in the mirror is it? Is that what woman have been trained to do, care what about they look like. “Self Talk” is real and it’s important to be positive and kind when speaking your narrative. I struggle to do this, but knowing that I am aware when I do is a good thing.. I think


headband:Forever21/ top:topshop/ jeans:mile high Levis/ shoes:Lazy Oaf Vans